Passion for Snacks Around the Clock
Hi, I am Syd. I started ingrained with a passion to heal others through food and cultivating healthy relationships with food. I am adamant that the way we nourish ourselves is a reflection of self-care and respect. Ingrained is committed to creating healthy, small batch, handmade, bespoke and unique products. Our goal is to draw you in to yourself by making the act of eating an experience of beauty and positive nostalgic enjoyment. We want you to feel hella good satisfaction once it is done knowing your energy is a result of nutrient-dense and thoughtful ingredients that support your human function.
In many ways, ingrained is a celebration of self. We are not just a snackery but a lifestyle brand which recognizes wellness is interdisciplinary - everyone has a unique story. Wellness for me is not wellness for you, moreover, it is a culmination of many things: balance, nutrition, movement, rest, etc. I am not a doctor, but I what I do know is that eating whole real foods and nurturing yourself based on your individual biology is the most important thing you can do to change your life and health multiple times a day. It’s like denim, it’s never going out of style; an intuitive relationship with food is timeless.
Food is emotional, especially for me. I grew up wanting to control my rocky childhood with food and restriction. Numbing myself by starving myself brought me peace in stressful situations, and this comfort became addicting. It is single handedly one of the worst and best things I could have learned at a young age. It created a perpetual poor relationship with food in my adulthood but my trauma is the framework for which I built ingrained. It is a representation of my ongoing story that growth is not linear and that every time I fall I get back up with dignity and pride to try again.
My story resonates with so many of my customers and knowing my food brings joy, self-love, nostalgic indulgence, and true nourishment without guilt is enough for me. I would do it for free. I love that people feel nurtured when eating ingrained and that they come back to stock up on snacks that are experiential in that they have a dual-purpose: to feed and to heal the tangled mind body soul relationship. Eating our food is a meditative way to calm the complex stressful cognitive relationship inside the mind as it calls you to pause and listen to yourself. Building on the idea of self-love through food, honoring what is right for you is vital to your well-being - Ingrained is another avenue where you can practice self-care through mindfulness as you are called to notice the beauty and attention to detail in every bite.
That said, whether you have trouble with moderation, restriction, or no identifiable anxiety, my food is made to remind your body and mind of the original purpose - to live, to breathe, to enjoy and then to go do the damn thing - life! Food = energy, however, it is not always easy to moderately consume “Reese's peanut buttercups," because they are scientifically formulated to be addicting. Sadly all snacks are not created equal and the market is saturated with food businesses focused closely on profit. People ask why I work so hard, and my honest answer is, "Is there another way? I know this what it takes to change the game for the people in my community." The recipe for success is not complicated, it is staying true to your mission and putting your foot down to anything that threatens your authenticity. We promise to maintain our small-batch mindful roots, to continue sourcing the best ingredients and to come back to the drawing board when we can do better. My mom always told me, "When you know better, you do better," and it is a simple truth I live by. You can bet your pretty penny all things with my label have my stamp of approval. I show up first and go home last and feel better at night knowing I had a small hand in your wellness that day. Thank you for trusting me with your snacking needs. It is truly my honor to make food that fuels your life.
xoxo, Syd